Friday, September 12, 2008

First holiday!

Yes, we're back to school but thankfully we have a long weekend to enjoy right now! The beginning of this school year still seemed as crazy as the last. I'm not sure if that's because I've been trying new things in my class....but certainly my new students have contributed to the craziness. They are a different bunch from last year. More hyper, active, talkative, and certainly immature right now. Oh well....they'll mature. It's dawned on me that I only remember my last bunch as being mature, but that's because that's how they were at the end of the school year. I don't really remember what they were like at the beginning of the year.

I only have 12 right now, but I do think they're generally more difficult to manage than last year's class. I found out that one student was diagnosed with ADHD and is on medication! So he's actually doing better than he did last year, but is still a challenge. But the end of this week was good. We've been in school for 2.5 weeks now. I'm not really sure where the time has just flies so fast when we're busy.

So we have Monday off for Mid-Autumn Festival....Moon Cake festival really. And tonight we were invited to go camping! So we leave tomorrow, just for 1 night. We're excited! We love camping! And we're going with some friends from church that we've been wanting to get to know better. And then on holiday Monday we're going to the Paralympics! We'll be watching 5-a-side soccer.

Most of all I'm looking forward to my parents' visit! They arrive in 2 weeks!!! Yay!!

That's all for now!
Thanks for reading :)

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