Saturday, September 1, 2007

eating out...

since it was Friday, and we were celebrating the end of the week we decided to go out for dinner last night. a new restaurant opened just outside our complex, and Scott said he saw a picture menu, which meant we can go! off we went, excited about the new adventure.

the restaurant had a very nice picture menu, but unfortunately not one english word. and it's hard to see in the pictures what exactly it is, unless of course if you see a fish tail sticking out :) after a long browse through the menu, with the waiter waiting at our table the whole time, we finally opted on a dish that looked like meatball stirfry, and another one that looked like stir-fried green beans and other things. dishes always come out as they are made, so we got one a few minutes before the other. the meatball one was good, with peanuts, green onions, and garlic, slightly spicy.....and who knows what kind of meat that was! both we're both fine today. then we realized we hadn't ordered rice, and we didn't know how to....hmmm...Scott got up and was telling them "rice", and they kept pointing him to the bathroom! one of them even walked him right over to it. hehehe....we were drawing attention, especially since it wasn't very busy. finally there was a chinese lady who understand what we were asking for, and then we all had a good laugh :) we of course asked the words for rice, which I have already memorized so we don't ahve to go through that again!

and then our second dish arrived! the green things in the picture were actually all hot peppers! it was a plate of green and red stir-fried HOT peppers with a bit of beef! hehe. the meat was good, and we ate a bunch of the peppers, but it eventually became too spicy for us. Scott was in tears!

so much excitement just going out to eat! and that meal was only about 7 dollars! we'll definitely go there again sometime. unfortunately we didn't have a camera with us to capture the meal.
next time!

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